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Advertising Impact

Gathering + Analyzing Data

Student Surveys

To help us advertise the Pop Up Shop, it's important to figure out the reasons why students visit. I created a Google Forms Survey to help us understand what makes the Pop Up Shop appealing.


We recieved 18 responses to our survey. Although it was a small sample size, there was a lot of great feedback!


Grade Classification

Gender/Ethnicity of 18 people:


12 were Caucasian/White

3 were Asian/Pacific Islander

2 were Latinx/Hispanic

1 was Black/African American


13 classified themselves as female

5 classified themselves as male

Qualitative Data​

  • 72.2% said that they've visited the Pop Up Shop before

  • 100% said that they would be interested in visiting the Pop Up Shop in the future

  • 82.3% said that having free access to professional attire helped them financially

  • 82.3% said that the staff was friendly and helpful

  • When asked how they found about this resource, they said:

    • 58.8% was through social media​

    • 35.3% was through advertising

    • 5.9% was through an ISU faculty member

Testimonials + Feedback


Given that we now have a better grasp of the prospects that make this resource appealing, the information, testimonies, and feedback will help us promote next events. For instance, we were unaware of how much the students valued the non-judgmental environment we offer. It was mentioned frequently, along with how much individuals valued affordability.


The feedback gave us insight on how to improve our services. One person commented that they'd like to see more volunteering opportunities - and the team will implement this just before the next event!

Increasing Advertising

When I was a student, I knew about the Free Business Attire Pop Up Shop because I was part of the College of Human Sciences for the first half of my academic career. It wasn't until I switched majors to another college that I realized there was a lack of awareness for this significant resource. When I joined the team, I knew from my experience with the Hort Club that there was many opportunities around campus to reach the entire student body.


Here are the advertisements that I have created to be around campus:

ISU Daily Ad (800x800 px).png

800 x 800 px

for Instagram and the ISU Daily.

DOR Flyers for Pop Up Shop.jpg

8.5 x 11 flyers

used for dormitories, dining halls, and buildings.

MU Digital Display for Pop Up Shop (2160 × 3840 px) (1).png
MU Digital Display for Pop Up Shop (1920 × 1080 px).png

Horizontal Digital Display Ad - 1920 x 2080 px

used outside Student Services offices at every college, and the food court. 

Vertical Digital Display Ad - 2160 x 3840 px

used for the food court and spreading information to buidings around campus.


All students attending the event had to fill out a check-in survey. We were able to record a great amount of data that expressed the impact of the Pop Up Shop and how well advertising worked. By the end of the first day in Fall 2023, 350 students came, which broke our record for visitors last year in Spring 2023 (which is when I began my work with the Free Business Attire Pop Up Shop. The recorded attendance of that semester was 292 students). On the last day of fall semester, 526 students were recorded to have visited in total for the Fall. 

Fall 2023 Qualitative Data​

  • 526 students served representing every college

  • 157 students (about 30%) indicated being a race other than white.

    • We define these students as being multicultural, although students were not asked if they identified as multicultural on this survey​

  • 73 students (14%) were international

  • 439 students (83%) were visiting the pop-up shop for the first time


Spring 2024 Qualitative Data​

  • 468 students served representing every college

  • 248 students (52%) indicated being a race other than white.

    • We define these students as being multicultural, although students were not asked if they identified as multicultural on this survey​

  • 68 students (21%) were international

  • 345 students (74%) were visiting the pop-up shop for the first time


It is normal for our Fall event to have more visitors, since it correlates around the time of the Career Fair and students are looking for internships at the start of the academic year. However, in Spring 2023, 292 students were recorded to have visited the Pop Up Shop. Compared to the recent 2024 results, that is a 60% increase in attendance in one year!!

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