Overview of Horticulture Club's Instagram
This part of my portfolio will take a look at the work I've done for the club's Instagram. We will take a deeper dive into the data derived from Instagram's Insights to assess my performance as the primary caretaker of the club's social media.
Down below shows the posts I made for the Hort Club. I started my position on January 2022, and ended in December 2022.
This picture captures all the posts I made in the first half of my term. I used many different colors, and text - and posted very few pictures of people and events.
This second picture captures all the posts I made in the second half of my term. I used Instagram Insights, and attended online workshops to see that pictures of people and events, memes, and informative posts had the most engagement. Therefore, I followed the numbers and did more of that!
Instagram Insights
The best way to track progress is to compare the present to the past. The image on the right shows what the page looked like on my first day. I took a screenshot of the page shortly after I made my very first post detailing the Spring 2022 meeting times. Unfortunately, I did not take a screenshot of what it looked like before I made changes. It used to have a different bio and profile picture. Nevertheless, we will work with what we have and solely take a look at my performance.
Ways I sought to improve the page:
Creating a cohesive brand look that accurately captures our club's values and caters to our follower's needs
Providing detailed information about sales, competitions, and events for people interested
Establishing a branded voice that balances professionalism, with casualness and friendliness. I sought to make a ratio of 8:2. I incorporate the appropriate amount of emoji's, relateability, and light banter to achieve this.
Encouraging a wider discussion instead of just throwing information at our followers. I engage with people in the comments by replying or leaving a like.
Access to more information with the click of a button (LinkTree, story highlights)
The largest length of time that Insights will allow you to see statistical data is 90 days.
Down below are the recorded demographics of the club's followers from January 2022 to April 2022. Since we are a college club, the age of our followers coincided nicely with our target market's age of 18-24. Those who are older are typically ISU alumni, professors and family members of club participants. The majority of our followers are women. Our following is also the most active on Mondays and Wednesdays.
I decided to take a look at the data from the 90 days proceeding my first post on January 19, 2022 for more accuracy. Down below you will see the growth that occurred since starting my position.
Within my first 90 days, the club gained an increase of...
+236% accounts reached
+196% engagement
+30.1% total followers
Notice that during the time these insights were
recorded, there were only 9 posts made. These statistics might be surprising given the low number of posts. The statistics might be slightly skewed because there was less activity in the previous semester, and ISU students had Winter Break from mid-December to mid-January. However, that is not to make light of the success our new approaches are creating. It is a widely known fact that Instagram's algorithm makes it incredibly difficult to break ground after a long period of inactivity.
Within my first 30 days of the second semester the club gained an increase of...
+2582% accounts reached
+22,800% engagement
+15.5% total followers
The insights provided below show these changes:
100+ new followers than last recorded (it went from 462 to 571)
More specific data regarding Reach, Followers, and Content Interactions